Marguerite Samms

Company: Intermountain Healthcare
Job title: Chief Learning Officer
Discover: The Crossroads Program: Creating Inter-Organizational Learning Experiences to Develop Enterprise-Level Executive Leaders 9:00 am
Expanding leadership perspectives by fostering inter-professional exposure and experiences in a participating health system Building long-term professional relationships that reduce executive loneliness and enable continued perspective building beyond the program Increasing executive leadership effectiveness by demonstrating measurable growth in one’s capabilities, judgement, and the confidence to take bold actionRead more
day: Conference Day One
Develop: What More Can We Do to Build Stronger Leadership Succession Pathways Across All Career Stages? 10:00 am
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day ChairRead more
day: Conference Day One
Panel: Navigating Change: How Talent Development Drives Success in Organizational Transformation 2:00 pm
day: Conference Day One
Discover: Employing an Inter-Organizational Coaching Exchange to Scale Cost-Effective, High Impact Internal Coaching Services 2:50 pm
How to provide access to high-quality executive coaching while significantly reducing costs for participating organizations Overcoming barriers to developing credible and effective internal certified coach pools. Improving leadership excellence with rapid statically significant increases in measures of leadership effectivenessRead more
day: Conference Day One
Develop: What More Can We Do to Secure Leadership Buy-In & Demonstrate ROI of Talent Development 3:10 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day ChairRead more
day: Conference Day One